Most rapes occur when no one else is present. That's what attackers do -- wait until their victims are alone. Your reasoning sounds very much like the JW way of thinking. Yes, in an ideal world, there would be people around to thwart off the attacker, or the victim just might have a carving knife handy to hack away the privates of the attacker, but in all seriousness, this is not the way most rapes happen.
I don't feel as if people should use abortions as a means of birth control; however, if one IS responsible and ends up getting pregnant, the option should be there if she chooses. Many people wouldn't, and that's okay too. I don't think that fast food places should sell triple cheeseburgers loaded with cheese and bacon and mayo, but that's just my opinion. I won't eat one, but I certainly wouldn't stand in the way of anyone that would.